Prevention is better than the cure.

Recent events have brought to the forefront a raft of unfavourable media practices with significant consequences for both clients and agencies. 
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Recent events have brought to the forefront a raft of unfavourable media practices with significant consequences for both clients and agencies.  Unfortunately this is not a new concept nor limited to one agency.   It has been covered extensively in the trade press and also placed a spotlight on media auditors, client actions and media agency ethics.

Holding an independent position in the market, we have been exposed to these practices and developed our own preventative measures to what we would call “the shell game”.

That is, we know which shell to look under, and how to make sure unfavourable practices don’t happen in the first place!

Prevention is always better than the cure!  

What we would do…

  • Unearth areas of mismanagement and provide direct solutions.   This could be across anything from breach of contract, ambiguous third party buying relationships, inefficient agency processes or superficial post analysis reporting.
  • Identify gaps in the Service Agreement to address changing needs and technologies.
  • Introduce preventative measures to bring back your true media partnership!

Enth Degree is unashamedly client focused and strives to implement best practice solutions.

Everything we do is transparent and ethically managed – as you should expect from all your partners.

Contact Enth Degree and avoid playing the shell game!